Creamy Potato Salad

Raising seven kids alone and on a tight budget, my mother used to make her own version of potato salad only during special occasions like town fiesta, Christmas, New Year, or when celebrating a family member’s birthday. It was always a treat not only for us kids but also for all of our visitors. 

We were amazed on how creative she was because there were some occasions when she would change one ingredient over the other.  For instance, on one occasion she would put in shredded chicken then the next time it would be pineapple chunks and carrots.

There was that one occasion where she added roasted beet chunks.  Imagine, seeing a “pink” potato salad for the first time!  I remember clearly, us girls thought it was fruit salad, at first. There was no internet then so I don’t know where she got those different variations of potato salad.

Fast forward…moving and living in Canada for a while, I discovered that although “consuming potatoes in Canada has decreased compared to other years, it is still a dietary food which is mainly consumed in the form of chips or "French fries". Eighty percent of Canadian potatoes are sold to the United States. Potatoes are grown all throughout parts of Canada, primarily Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Alberta.”  This information was quoted from, having potato salad is just a regular Canadian household side dish.

Today, I will share one of my favorite version of potato salad, one that has the great texture of cooked potatoes with the skin on, with that crunchy smoked bacon bits and a mayonnaise mixture that is hmmm… so creamy and yummy!
·        6 medium size potatoes
·        4 slices of fresh smoked bacon
·        1 cup or 2 ribs of celery, finely chopped
·        1 medium size red onion, finely chopped
·        ⅓ cup sweet pickle relish
·        1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
·        2 teaspoons granulated white sugar
·        2 teaspoons celery seeds
·        2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
·        2 teaspoons prepared mustard
·        2 hard-boiled eggs, coarsely chopped (optional)
1.    Wash and scrub unpeeled potatoes under running cold water to remove any grit or dirt especially those lodged in the eyes of the potatoes.  Cut them into bite-sized chunks. 
Note:  When it comes to cooking the potatoes for salad, we prefer them with the skin on as they  
           hold better together plus their skins are thin enough that they are usually quite tender.
2.   Transfer the potatoes to a medium size cooking pot. Put just enough water to cover the potatoes and add 1 tablespoon of salt. 
3.    Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Then turn the heat to medium-low to keep the water at a gentle simmer. Cook until the potatoes are tender all the way through when pierced with a fork. Exact cooking time depends on the size of your cubes and the type of potatoes.
4.      Drain the potatoes.  Transfer to a large mixing bowl and set aside.
5.      Cut the smoked bacon slices into small pieces (about 1/4 inch wide).
6.     When the raw bacon pieces settle to room temperature, pan-fry over medium-high heat.  When its own oil starts to come out, adjust the heat to medium-low.
6.1 No need to add cooking oil as the bacon will render its own fat slowly without burning the 
6.2 No need to separate the bacon pieces as they will separate during frying.
7.     Once the bacon bits give that beautiful even cook, turn off the heat.  
8.     Using a sieve, separate the bacon bits from its own grease.  Set aside.
9.     In a large mixing bowl, combine cooked potatoes, celery, red onions, sweet pickle relish and bacon bits.  Mix well.
10.  In a separate small bowl, combine mayonnaise, celery seeds, sugar, mustard and apple cider vinegar. Mix well.
11. Add half the amount of mayonnaise mixture to potato mixture.  Toss altogether lightly until the potato mixture is well coated.
12.  Add the remaining half of the mayonnaise mixture.  Continue tossing altogether lightly.  
13. Carefully, fold in half the amount of chopped eggs.  And, tada… you have the super yummy creamy potato salad!
14.  Before serving, top the potato salad with the remaining chopped eggs.
15. Can be served warm; but best when chilled thoroughly.  If you want it chilled, cover and refrigerate for about 6 to 8 hours.  
1.      If you add 1 tablespoon of salt when the potatoes are being pre-cooked, there is no need to add anymore when mixing all the other ingredients.  The smoked bacon bits with its saltiness balances the taste of the salad.
2.     Bacon grease can be used for future frying.
3.     This dish can be paired with either hot or cold meat (e.g. roasted chicken, grilled ham, pork steak, turkey sandwich, and many more). 
4.     If covered in an airtight container and refrigerated right away, this creamy potato salad is good for consumption up to 5 days.  However, to retain its freshness and great taste, best to consume within 2 days.
      Personally, I like it better the day after it's made when the potato mixture fully absorbs the mayonnaise mixture dressing.

Try to make this Creamy Potato Salad recipe and let me know what you think.
Thanks for dropping by!

Watch how to make a Creamy Potato Salad:

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